

How did st.paul become a saint?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How did st.paul become a saint?
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St.Paul was a messenger who was filled with the holy spirit.

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There is no saint named Luck.

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Which Saint Ignatius? There are several.

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No, she is not a saint.

How can a sinner become a saint?

a sinner becomes a saint when he or she do something good. before he become a saint he should confess his sins.

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There is no Saint Thomas of Assisi.

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There is no canonized saint named Madison.

Is Frankie Dolce going to become a saint?

No, Frankie Dolce is not going to become a saint.

Do you have to be deceased to become a saint?

yes you do you have to be passed away and a whole process to become a saint