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Actually, knights did not destroy castles, at least not fighting the way knights traditionally fought. Knights were heavy cavalry, and they fought on fields where horses could be used to advantage. Against a castle, they were nearly useless. Knights could command the armies brought against castles, however, and work on them in that capacity.

Castles were destroyed in various ways.

One was to assault the castle too quickly for the defenders to get ready. This was not usually possible, though it did happen from time to time.

Another was to use siege machines. A battering ram could break down the gate of the castle. A catapult could break the walls apart, but it took a long time to do it.

A siege could be put in place with the hope of starving the people in the castle. In such a case, catapults could toss the bodies of people who had died of some horrible disease over the walls, with a view to spreading sickness among the defenders.

One was to use mines. A tunnel was dug under the castle walls producing a large chamber. This chamber was then filled with something that could burn slowly; often the bodies of dead pigs were used because the fat would burn. The fire, which could continue for days, gradually weakened the walls until they collapsed.

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