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Q: How did the revolution of 1848 lead to and influence trouble in the German states?
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It caused a fear of foreign influence in the United States.

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It caused a fear of foreign influence in the United States.

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The united states expanded its influence into Asia.

How did Cuban and Philippine revolution against Spain in the S's affect US foreign influence?

The united states expanded its influence into Asia.

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The united states expanded its influence into Asia.

What ended the Pope's authority in the German States?

The 30 year war that sharply divided Protestant and Catholic States. The Catholic Church retained much of its influence in the Catholic States, but lost all influence in the States that declared themselves Protestant.

Why would it be incorrect to say that revolution caused German unification?

Because a revolution did not cause German unification. German unification was a long process that involved Prussia, which is now part of Germany, taking control of the other states of Germany through various means- treaties, confederations, and even occasionally wars. The process was completed in 1871 when Prussia and a few other German states defeated France in the Franco-Prussian War.

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Einstein lived for many years in the United States, and spoke both German and English, but had trouble with spelling in English.Einstein's first language was German.

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it didnt. the American revolution happened before the french revolution

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Why were Americans generally sympathetic to France after the French Revolution?

Because France was one of the main traders with the United States. They had supported us and we felt that if we didnt help then we would be in trouble.