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With the exception of the air war over the north, the ground war occurred in southern territory. The north invaded the south, the south didn't invade the north.

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Q: How did the south fight a defensive war?
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Why did the south have the advantage?

Because they fought a defensive war so they did not have to go over to the Union to fight.

How did the south's economy support their strategy to fight a defensive war?

They assumed they could exchange their cotton for war supplies from abroad.

Did the south or north plan the defensive war?

The North had to do the invading, so the South had to react with defensive tactics.

What were the strength of the south Civil War?

They were waging a defensive war.

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What was the south's war strategy to win the civil war?

to get European nations to join them(England inparticular)also to fight a defensive war.the top is a summation of what you need to know but this has a more indepth answer of what i think you are searching for...

What did the south do after the Gettysburg?

The South took up a defensive posture for the rest of the war.

What was the war strategy of the south in the Civil War?

The south tried to fight a defensive strategy for most of the war (due to the fact that they were succeeding and Lincoln knew he had to use force to get the south back on to the union again). But general Lee thought if he could make it to D.C. he could make Lincoln sue for peace. Lee drove an army through the northern states until the faithful battle of Gettysburg which had tremendous southern casualties which caused Lee to retreat to the south. Lincoln knew lee was weak so he ordered the union army to send the army on a full frontal assault on the south. Which caused Lee to fight defensive strategy like he did in the begging of the war.

What caused the confederate defeat at fort pulaski?

The Confederates simply underestimated the might of the Union forces. Since the South had to fight a defensive war, they were thwarted by the Union's defensive strategy. In the end, the rebels had to retreat and the fort was captured by Federal regiments.

Who had the advantage at the outbreak of the war?

It's more of an opinion. The North had more factories to supply war goods, and had many more men to fight. The South, however, was fighting a defensive war (Knew the lay of the land), and they had better Military Leaders.

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Who was the South's defensive genius during the Civil War?

Joseph e. johnston