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Any excuse for a kiss!

Some people have the superstition that failing to kiss someone on New Year's Eve predicts a year of loneliness. It is also thought that person you spend the first moments of the new year with will set the tone for the rest of the year.

In Biblical times the act of kissing or touching one's lips to those of another (Pr 24:26), to another person's cheek, or, in an exceptional case, even to his feet (Lu 7:37, 38, 44, 45), served as a token of affection or respect. Kissing was common not only between male and female relatives (Ge 29:11; 31:28) but also between male relatives. (Ge 27:26, 27; 45:15; Ex 18:7; 2Sa 14:33) It was likewise a gesture of affection between close friends. - 1Sa 20:41, 42; 2Sa 19:39. Kissing might accompany a blessing. (Ge 31:55).

Kissing at midnight on New Year's Eve is common in movie scenes, such as When Harry Met Sally.

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Q: How did the superstition of kissing at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve start?
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