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By passing the Platt Ammendment

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Q: How the US reaffirmed the Monroe Doctrine in the late 1800's?
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hawaii's leading export in the late 1800s was SUGAR.

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because there just was that's why there was a rush of inventions in the late 1800s

How and why did the monroe doctrine become a cornerstone of US foreign policy by tha late 19th century?

The Monrow doctrine was the policy that any efforts to establish colonies in America would be viewed as an act of aggression. It lead to a "Big Brother" policy in the late 19th century, attempting to open the Latin American countries to U.S. leadership and markets.

Who were the rulers in japan from the 1100s to the late 1800s?

The rulers in Japan from the 1100s to the late 1800s were called the "Shoguns" :)

How did American interests influence polictical forces in cuba in the late 1900s?

Americans finished building the Panama Canal; the Roosevelt corollary to the Monroe doctrine further increased American influence in Cuba.

What race is Marilyn Monroe?

To my knowledge, the late Marilyn Monroe was white.

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how was the wave of U.S immigration in the late 1800s different from the previous wave of immigration in the mid-1800s?

Why were pollution and sewage a problem in the American cities in the late 1800s?

In the late 1800s they did not have the sewage systems and waste disposal that we have today.

Did french women have jobs in the late 1800s?

yes french woman had jobs in the late 1800s .they worked by cleaning and cooking

Why were pollution and sewage a problem in American cities in the late 1800s?

In the late 1800s they did not have the sewage systems and waste disposal that we have today.

When was soccerinvented?

Somewhere in the late ''1800s''

What countries were imperialist powers in late 1800s?

Which ones where the imperialists counries by 1800s and why?