

How do amoebas move?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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7y ago

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Amoebas use pseudopods (false feet in Latin) to move around. They strech out one part of themsleves then pull the rest of it toward the part. The streched part looks like a limb, resulting in "false feet."
Locomotion in amoeba is due to the formantion of pseudopodia formation. PSEUDOPODIA: it is the out growth of amoebic cell plasma forming a buldge known as "ZONE OF GELATION". Several theory have been given for the formation of pseudopodia in which sol-gel theory is most acceptable.
amoeba move my changing their body shape they form pseudopod

the defenation of pseudopod is a false or temporary foot
Amoeba moves with the help of pseudopodia(false feet). It uses cytoplasmic streaming
Amoebas move with false feet. They stretch one part of their body and pull the rest of it with them. Sort of like a stretch and pull.


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13y ago

Amoebas move with the help of psedopodia. They extend these out to propel themselves forward. they move by the help of the propellers

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Amoebas move through the use of pseudopods. These are false feet that the amoebas change shape to create, use to move, and then reabsorb.

How do ameobas move?

Amoebas move by extending their pseudopods or false feet. This is how amoebas get around to find shelter, food and explore different locations.

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They use psuedopods

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pseudopodia (false feet) in Latin

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Psuedopodia can be called a "false foot".

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How doesameoba move?

Amoebas move using Pseudopodia, which are cytoplasmic extensions branching off of their bodies. Pseudopods can be utilized for both movement and prey capture.

What pushes amoeba and means false feet?

Amoebas have false feet or pseudopods to help the amoeba move. Amoebas uses their "false feet" to capture food and to find shelter.