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First, I am so sorry to have to answer this question. I am sorry for what you've been through and what you must go through to heal. Sadly, time is the ultimate healer on this one. Learning to trust people again is difficult and learning to trust your own judgment of character takes practice. This is an opportunity for you to learn and grow as well. Best of luck to you.

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12y ago

don't let it bring you and the ones you love down. if you havent dumped him yet think hard about how much you love him and how he makes you feel and don't be afraid to talk to him. don't turn to drink or drugs or any other form of addiction because it just isn't worth it. remember keep the ones you love close and don't be afraid to turn to relations and friends, they are there to support you. remember your good qualities and the things you enjoy and don't let the issue depress you. remember you are a valued clever and beautiful human being who deserves the best and is the best and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

go out with somebody else

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Q: How do you make the pain of being cheated on go away?
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just go to sleep or forget about it

Will the hurt go away after being cheated on?

Yes of course it will but always remember don't let one wreck it for the ones out there that are true. ANSWER: It all depends on how bad the pain and the situation is. For some the pain do stay a while until the reality hits that person. There are some that will take months or even years before the pain of betrayal goes away. With all of this one that can help us is TIME, time is the only thing that can help people with pain. And also don't ever loose your faith.

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put salt water on it. it will sting at first but the pain goes away quicker. hope this helps

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The product is called Pain Away and you can buy it in either a spray or a lotion.

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How long does it take to make pain go away?

You have to sit in milk for 2-3 hours to stop the pain.

You just got braces and an expander and your teeth hurt you were wondering if there was a way you could make that pain go away?

Unfortunately, there is no way to make the pain go away. I would recommend taking medicine like Tylenol or Advil, this won't get rid of the pain entirely, but it will definitely help get rid of some pain.

What if you were the animal being abused?

You would suffer horribly and wish for someone to take you away from the pain and fear.

How do you make vicadin?

You fake being in extreme pain and then ask your doctor.

Is away adverb?

Yes. Adverbs describe a verb, adjective or some times another adverb. The generally tell why, where, when or under what conditions something happened. "The pain in his side went away". In this sentence, "away" describes where the pain went ("went" being the verb).