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you need 49 achevments with Halo 3

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Q: How do I have the katana body on Halo 3 when I don't have 1000 gamerscore or all the achievements?
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You have 1000 gamerscore in halo but no katana how come?

you need 49+ achievements and 1000 gamerscore off Halo3

How do you get a catona on Halo 3?

You must complete 49 achievements and/or get 1000 gamerscore in Halo 3 in order to get the Katana

If you have the mythic pack on halo 3 with extra achievements then can you get the katana armor with the extra achievements?

If you unlock 1000 gamerscore with those achievements then yes you can unlock the katana body Armour.

How much gamer score do you need for katana?

You need all the Halo 3 Achievmentswhich is 1000/1000 Gamerscore for Halo Katana.

How do you get katana on Halo 3?

get a 1000 gamerpoints and 49 achievements. alot of times it glitches and you get it before that. u just need to be close to a 1000 gamerscore points.

How do you get security head in Halo 3?

You have to get 49 achievements first and they have to add up to 1000 or more gamerscore.

What are gamerscore points in Halo 3?

Gamerscore points are given when you unlock achievements

How can you manipulate your gamerscore for Halo 3?

The only way you can "manipulate" your gamerscore is by fulfilling the requirements for achievements and thus acquiring them.

Halo 3 katana?

you need to get 49/50 achievements

How do you get the katana body for halo?

simple, get 1000 halo 3 gamer points. how i got my katana body.

Can you get 1000 gamerpoints in Halo 3 with just the Halo 3 odst mythic disk for katana of course?

Getting the katana sword would mean you would have to unlock every achievement in the game. So you would need both the regular Halo 3 disk for the Campaign achievements and the mythic disk for the online and multiplayer achievements.

List of how to Halo 3 armer?

Mark IV/VI (I forget) get by defaultQCB: get by defaultrogue: get to the rank of lieutenant in matchmaking (unlocks vidmaster, lightswitch)ODST: get to recruit in matchmakingEVA: complete campaign on normalEOD: complete campaign on legendaryHalo CE head: get to Sargent in matchmakinghyabusa: get all skulls in the gamesecurity: get 1000 gamerscore in halo 3katana (body) get 1000 gamerscore in halo 3Scout: get achievements: too close to the sun, mongoose mowdown, used car salesmanRecon: fabled, become a Bungie member or get all the vidmaster achievements in halo 3 and ODST.flaming head: Bungie only(my favourite combo is rogue head, security shoulders and katana body, my gamertags Rogue radish)