

How do animals take care of their eggs?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: How do animals take care of their eggs?
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Do warmblooded animals lay eggs and take care of there young?

for an example... ducks & chickens lay eggs and yes, they do take care of their young for a little while. so.. yeah, they do

Why do animals need to take care of their eggs?

because to protect from the predators and to provide food

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What kind of animal that not take care of their eggs and young?

Many animals lay their eggs and leave them - eg the salmon, sea turtles, butterflies. Other animals eg the cuckoos lay their eggs and leave them to other animals to rear.

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Vets take care of animals because they are trained to take care of animals and NOT people.

Why do animals that do not take care of their young produce many eggs?

Animals that produce many eggs in the hopes of increasing the likely hood of their offspring surviving, so when the parents don't take care of them this saves the adults time and energy.

Does butterfly take care of their eggs?

of course.just like ants take care of their eggs too. and the same way your parents took care of you when you were a young child.

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how do you take are of lovebird eggs

Which animals doesn't take care of their animals?

The female giant water bug leaves her eggs with the father and when they hatch if they don't swim away quickly he will most likely eat them.

Do silkworms take care of their eggs?

No, after they have laid eggs the moths die

Do cats take care of them selves?

all animals can take care of them selfs. (I mean wild animals)