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The comb cells in a bee hive are of a hexagonal (six sided) shape and have three main purposes.

1) Raising of brood. The queen bee will lay an egg in an empty cell and after three days the egg will change into a small larva. The other bees in the colony will then feed the larva with pollen and seal the cell with wax. After 21 days from the time that the egg was laid, the larva will have grown into a fully formed worker bee and will eat its way out of the sealed cell having sustained itself by eating the pollen that had been stored in its cell before it was sealed.

2) The worker bees, having collected nectar from various plants, will mix it with enzymes to produce honey and that honey will be deposited in a cell and allowed to ripen. When it is ripe, the worker bees will seal the cell with wax as above.

3) Pollen collected from plants will be stored in separate cells near the brood nest and used as a 'larder' for feeding larvae as above. Cells containing pollen don't need a wax cap.

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Q: How do bees use cells in a bee hive?
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Why are bees hive hexaonal?

A bee hive isn't hexagonal. The cells that bees make from wax inside a bee hive are hexagonal and the bees use these cells to raise young bees and to store honey and pollen.

What do you call a bee house?

Honey bees live in a nest, often called a 'hive.' One hive can hold up to 80,000 bees, most of them workers. It is often located in a hollow tree. The hive is made of honeycomb, which are tightly packed hexagonal cells made of beeswax. They use the hive to store food and house their young.

When and where do bees breed?

In the hive. the queen bee's sons breed with theri mother. The main use of male bees is breeding with the queen bee

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The cells made by bees in a hive are all hexagons.

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How does a beekeeper make the bees go inside the hive?

They normally start by locating a dark enclosed, dry space (in a tree trunk, roof or wall cavity - or indeed a man made hive). The colony of bees including the queen move into this and the worker bees use honey that they have stored in their tummies as they left their original hive to make wax (bees wax). they chew up this wax and shape it into a new comb with hexagonal cells. The queen lays new eggs in this and the new colony starts. With more bees, more time, and more comb is produced to store honey and brood young and the new hive becomes established. A resinous substance collected from the buds of certain trees (called Propolis) is used by the bees as a cement or sealant to plug up any gaps in the the walls of the hive so that predators can not get in and the hive entrance is guarded by young workers.

What does a worker bee do?

Worker bees are female bees that are not able to reproduce. They are capable of performing all the jobs in the hive. As they grow, worker bees have different tasks to perform. They start off by doing tasks within the hive, such as cleaning cells and feeding larvae. Once they are mature enough, they start receiving nectar and pollen from bees that bring it in from the fields. They use these to make wax and build new cells within the hive. Their last job all the way until their death is to guard the hive entrance and retrieve nectar and pollen from outside the hive.

Is the bee population endangered?

Some scientists have drawn up a conclusion that the use of cellphones has been killing off bees. The radiation is killing the cells inside bees and it also creates flying problems for them making them easy target for predators and some cannot find their hive. Other reasons are new virus species entering the country or new parasites in the hive. So yes!!!!!! bees are becoming exticnt because of us!!!!!!!

Why bees make hexagonel hives?

It's not the hives that are hexagonal, it's the wax cells that the bees construct within the hive and the shape makes for greater strength and efficient use of space.

Where does honey come from on a bee?

No honey does not come out of a bee's butt.The forager bee collects plant/nector in its honey stomach.When the forager bee returns to the hive, the hive bee will suck the nector into its stomach.In the honey stomach, enzymes breaksdown the complex sugars - but it is not yet honey.The hive bee then regurgiates the nector into a honeycomb cell. The bees use theirwings to generate wind to evaporate the water content from the nector - until theyhave honey.The hive bees then cap the honey with wax.

How do you think the hive of bees survive the winter when there are no flowers to feed on?

Foraging bees will fly up to three miles (five kilometres) from the hive to find sources of nectar, but when nectar is not available bees will feed on their stored honey. A bee colony will normally store more than enough honey during the summer to see them through the following winter. When a beekeeper takes honey from the hive, he will make sure the bees survive the winter by providing sugar syrup for them to feed on.