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if you eat the right food and fruit.

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Q: How do cells keep organisms alive and healthy?
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Do cells carry on the process that keep organisms alive?


What keep cells alive?

how cells keep you alive is from your nutrients and from your stomach

How do cells use their energy?

They help keep things (body or animals etc) healthy and alive.

What is your Body is organized into that works together to keep you alive and healthy?

cells, tissues, and organ systems

How cells keep organism alive and healthy?

Absolutely! All your cells, except for cancerous cells, are extremely important in keeping you alive. Cells are the most basic unit of life, and from cells more complicated things like tissues, organs, organ systems, and complex organisms are built.

How does homeostasis help to keep an organism?

Homeostasis helps to keep organisms alive by making sure everything is balanced. It makes sure cells are not swelling, shriveling, or bursting.

How do blood cells keep you healthy?

Why is it important to keep the blood healthy?

What is an idea of a healthy lifestyle of a youth?

to keep you alive an healthy an strong and keep you on track

How are organisims are classified from simple to complex?

Organisms are classified as simple if they only have one cell such as bacteria, and complex organisms have multiple cells that function together to keep the organism alive and maintai homeostasis.

What is the functions of the cell?

functions of a bone cell are, to keep your bones strong and healthy and to keep your bones from not getting weak and breaking.

What cell keep us alive?

red blood cells and white blood cells the red blood cells keep us a live and the white blood cells fight off disease and infection. To complete the answer, the red cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissue, etc., cells that need it.

How does each cell work together to keep the planet alive?

Cells make up different organisms. Many of these organisms depend on each other to flourish on our planet such as humans breathing in oxygen given out by trees.