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Children learn by repetition; formally, iteration. This process can also be described as ostensive, that is, using direct demonstration.

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Q: How do children learn grammar without formal instructions?
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Related questions

Is there any place for Teaching grammar in a formal manner?

A classroom is a place for teaching grammar in a formal manner.

Lets get into something formal today is a correct grammar?

The sentence "Lets get into something formal today" is not correct grammar due to improper use of preposition.

Do poems always have to contain formal grammar?

No, poems do not always have to follow formal grammar rules. Poetry often plays with language, breaking grammar rules to create specific effects or convey emotions. Poets may use deliberate grammar "mistakes" for artistic purposes, such as to create a certain rhythm, to emphasize a particular word, or to evoke a specific mood.

Context sensitive grammar?

A context-sensitive grammar (CSG) is a formal grammar in which the left-hand sides and right-hand sides of any production rules.

Is an ampersand correct grammar?

No. It is informal shorthand, not acceptable in formal writing.

What is difference between formal and functional grammar?

Functional grammer is rule governed behaviour . And knowing the language . Formal grammer is formal learning and knowing about the language.

Is 'Would you be so kind as to' correct grammar?

Yes, it is correct grammar to say "Would you be so kind as to [do something]?" It is considered somewhat formal.

What is the difference between written grammar and spoken grammar?

The distinction is more between formal and informal than between written and spoken. Formal English is held to stricter standards of correctness than informal English. Thus we may use "It's me" in an informal letter to a friend, but we must write "It is I" in a formal essay.

The formal instructions that government issues for implanting laws are called?


What does it mean when asked what role did grammar play in an essay?

Grammar is a term used to describe sentence structure, word choice, and punctuation. If one is asked to explain the role of grammar in an essay, then one would need to look at the phrases, sentences, and words chosen for the essay and determine how they made the essay better or hurt the essay. For example, a formal grammar might be more useful in an academic essay whereas a formal grammar might not be as useful in a persuasive essay.

Examples of informal essay?

An informal essay is the opposite of a formal essay. Don't put an essay cover on it.

What are three jobs that women without a formal education often held?

domestic workers,cleaning,taking care of children of other families