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cus thay do and if u wanna know ask one

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Q: How do computer engineers use math and numbers?
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Why do engineers use math?

Engineering is basically applied science, and many scientific areas require math. (You might also say, "by definition": if an area of work doesn't include lots of science and math, then it wouldn't be called "Engineering".)

Why do computer programmers use math?

Computer programmers use math because math is a universal language. Many programmers are able to understand code when it is using numbers.

Do scientists and engineers use math everyday or not?

everyday they use math

Why are numbers and math important to computer technicians?

A computer technician is the kind of person who you take your computer to to get fixed (Think GeekSquad). Computer technicians on their own may not have a huge requirement to use math, as they typically just employ the methods and techniques developed by computer engineers and designers. They may need numbers to determine what kind of part a computer needs, but that can usually be found in books. Math is important to someone such as a computer or electrical engineer, who uses equations and formulas to determine how much power an individual computer component will use, how it processes information, and how it interacts with other parts of the computer.

Why do building engineers use math?

Building engineers use math to help them figure out how big or how small to make the house or whatever they are building.

What type of math do engineers use?


How many jobs use math?

Almost all jobs use simple math, if only to find out your pay check, but for serious math topics such as physics and calculus... those are really only needed by engineers, architects, computer programmers, etc.

Do engineers use math?

Just about everything an engineer in any field does will involve math.

What type of engineers use math and how?

All engineering specialties use math, in virtually every way imaginable.

What kind of math do nuclear engineers use?

Nuclear Physics!

With what degree can I get the best computer jobs?

Most people who have a job working with computers have a degree in computer science or software engineering. software engineers use math and computer science to create and design software for our computers.

How do computer software engineers use trigonometry?

they us it in computer graphics