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Coniferous trees are an interesting case when it comes to air pollution.

When exposed to sulfur dioxide they tend to exhibit smptoms of poisoning. Specificaly the needles turn reddish brown and die.

The trees also contribute to air pollution. The blue haze assoiciated with pine forests and the fresh piney scent are the result of turpines, a type of oleoresin, released by the trees. Like any hydrocarbon in the air it can react with NOx to create groundlevel ozone

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Q: How do coniferous trees affect air pollution?
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shield the earth and shield yourself from air pollution we can reduce air pollution by using battery powered vehicles and bicycles. some slogans are as follows: 1. Plant trees & plant your health. 2. Reduce air pollution & increase your life span. 3. Air pollution is a ladder to destruction of nature. 4. Prevent air pollution, protect nature. 5. Cutting the trees is as cutting the health.

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