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Eugena does not breathe in the sense that animals do. However, it does perform photosynthesis, which helps allow for the exchange of gases. Also, the permeable membrane surrounding the euglena allows for gaseous exchange.

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it uses its vacuole

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Q: How do euglena do cellular respiration?
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Why do Euglena do cellular respiration in the dark?

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Do plants and other autotrophs such as Euglena and seaweed do cellular respiration too?

All plants must have a way of getting energy. Most plants even underwater plants such as seaweed use photosynthesis and cellular respiration to get energy.

Do plants and other autotrophs such as Euglena and seaweed do respiration too?

All plants must have a way of getting energy. Most plants even underwater plants such as seaweed use photosynthesis and cellular respiration to get energy.

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Does an euglena have a cell wall?

yes. Euglena is a protist.It has mitochondria for respiration

Is exhalation and inhalation known as cellular respiration?

No; that is known as "respiration," not "cellular respiration."

What are the difference cellular respiration and respiration?

Oxygen is the difference! Cellular respiration requires oxygen, while cellular fermentation does not.

Where does Cellular Respiration Occur.?

cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria

Why is cellular respiration an aerobic respiration?

Because cellular respiration occurs in the presence of oxygen.

What is the process by which the chemical energy of food molecules is released?

The first step of the process is the digestion.

Why is external respiration vital to cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration need oxygen. This oxygen is supplied by external respiration