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They try to run away from the enemies they also try to hurt the enemy so they would stop following the killer whales. It is easy if you try to imagine it.BYE.Have Fun

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Q: How do killer whales protect their baby?
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What are baby Killer Whales clled?

Baby orcas are called calves.

What ar baby whales called?

Baby killer whales are called calves, as are all cetacean young.

How do killer whales have a baby?

yes they do and their called calfs

What do baby killer whales like?

Their mother's milk.

What did they do with shamu when she died?

they get the baby's or get new killer whales. how depressing.

Do killer whales have baby names?

No maby im not a whale

Can a killer whale kill a dolphin?

yes a dolphin can kill a killer whale and they do to protect themselves from the whales

How big do baby whales get?

Hello, Baby Killer whales get about as big as 2.6 meters (7 - 8 feet) jessieismessie (Jes)

How many young do whales usually have?

Depends if it is a killer whale they usually have 2-3 baby whales.

How are baby killer whales fed?

They drink milk from their mother, i think.

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How do you protect your self on a shop filled with killer whales?

mak a sharp big sphere