

How do lions communicate?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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7y ago

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pheremones (scent), body language, noise and sight (e.g.submission and dominance)

it is made in there evolutionary path and in this case roars and growls out to fellow lions

by roaring and body language and marking with its scent
they do a loud call and all the pack comes back to the same pack

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By scent marking, roaring, and visual signs.

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They roar to communicate, scare off predators, and signal a desire to mate.

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Because they are the king of mammals(excluding humans). Mother nature must make a king sound loud.

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Lions have four major adaptions, all of which are necessary for survival and general well being. 1. The lion's infamous roar is used to communicate with other lions, particularly group members, and warn any intruders of territorial boundaries. 2. Their claws help them grab prey to eat. 3. Lions have rough tongues which helps them peel skin away from flesh and flesh away from bone. 4. Loose belly skin allows lions to be kicked by prey with lesser chance of injury.

Are the mom lions bigger than the dad lions?

No. Male lions, and therefor all father lions, are, as a general rule, are considerably larger than female lions (mother lions).

Do people have lions has pets?

Lions can't be pets. People don't have lions as pets. Lions belong in the zoo. Lions are wildcats. Only at home cats can be as pets. Lions are from the African Jungle.