

Do mushrooms like sunlight

Updated: 10/7/2023
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13y ago

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No, they prefer the dark but they can survive in indirect sunlight.

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13y ago

some mushrooms grow only in low-light areas, if a mushroom is sensitive to light then that would be a response.


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Can plants survive without light?

Some plants like mushrooms and fungi can survive without sunlight.

Do mushrooms live?

Mushrooms live in moist areas and regions that don't have much sunlight

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What English plants need sunlight and do not need sunlight to grow?

Mushrooms thrive in the dark.

Why don't mushrooms need light?

Mushrooms are a type of fungi instead of a basic plant. Fungi do not have chlorophyll like plants do. Therefore, they do not need sunlight to produce anything. Most mushrooms live off of the organism or area they grow on.

Can mushroom grow without sunlight?

Yes, mushrooms can technically grow without sunlight. They obtain all of their nutrients from the soil but they tend to use ambient light to produce vitamin D.

Can plant grow in the dark?

No, because they need sunlight to grow or they will probably die.

The plant which is not required sunlight for germination?

Mushrooms dont need any sunlight, and either do white mung beans sprouts

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Bell peppers should get from 6-8 hours of sunlight.

Is an onion the only food that can be grown in the dark?

No. Mushrooms grow in the dark as well. Potatoes, beats, carrots, too. Take mushrooms, for example. Mushrooms do not need sunlight, like other green plants. A mushroom breathes in oxygen, just like humans do. Thus, a mushroom only needs oxygen to keep growing, and good soil to grow in.

Can An Plant Grow With No Sunlight?

No, plants need sunlight for photosynthesis, a process in which they convert sunlight into energy to grow. Without sunlight, plants will not be able to produce energy and will not be able to grow properly.

How do I geet rid of mushrooms under floor.?

You can get rid of mushrooms under the floor by exposing the mushrooms to sunlight or by using an herbicide to kill them. You can also dig the area out and remove the mushrooms physically to get rid of them. Make sure that the area does not stay damp and they will not grow back.