

How do pandas communicate?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: How do pandas communicate?
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YES! pandas communicate with each other by scratching on trees

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How do the pandas communicate?

By clawing trees and spraying urine.

What are the communications of a panda bear?

Pandas communicate by rubbing an acidic-smelling substance; and also communicate vocally.

How des a red panda communicate?

they communicate by poopin and pee'in on trees to say,"this is my territory" to other pandas, like dogs doPandas make noises to communicate with other pandas

What special abilities do pandas have?

Pandas have a unique "thumb" that helps them grip bamboo, their primary food source. They also have a strong sense of smell that helps them find food and communicate with other pandas. Additionally, pandas have strong jaw muscles to chew tough bamboo.

What is the possessive of pandas?

The possessive form of the plural noun pandas is pandas'.Example: Development by people is encroaching on the pandas' habitat.

How do pandas survive and interact in their community?

The Giant Panda does not interact with other species because it is a solitary animal. The only time it interacts with its own species is when it has given birth, or during the breeding season. Giant pandas have a predatory relationship with the Bamboo that they eat.

What are pandas species?

red pandas and giant pandas

Are red pandas a panda at all?

Technically, yes red pandas are pandas. In fact they were the very first pandas. The other pandas were named after it.

What two kinds of pandas are there?

There are Giant Pandas and Red Pandas.

Are female pandas bigger than male pandas?

No.Male pandas are bigger than female pandas.