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By helping keep children healthy so they can grow up into the adults of future generations.

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Q: How do pediatricians benefit the world?
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Related questions

Where do pediatricians have to live?

anywhere around the world.

How long is maternity leave for pediatricians?

Maternity leave benefits for pediatricians probably does not differ from any other occupation. Short term disability insurance is the primary vehicle for funding maternity leave pay. It pays a six week benefit for vaginal delivery, and an eight week benefit for c-section delivery. The benefit is the same regardless of occupation.

Do pediatricians have maternity leave?

Most pediatricians work for smaller medical practices. Each practice has its own policies regarding employee leave. Five states mandate some level of disability which provides some level of maternity leave benefit. Short term disability insurance is available to pediatricians who want and qualify for the coverage. Apply before getting pregnant and maternity leave will be a covered benefit.

Give the earning potential and the fringe benefit on pediatricians?

usually vacation benefits and health benefits including long term health plans

What is the dressing code for pediatricians?

pediatricians have no dress code when there at work but pediatricians in training usually wear scrubbs.

Why are pediatricians needed?

pediatricians needed to treat kids

What is a general primary care pediatrician?

do pediatricians work with alot of babies? do pediatricians work with alot of babies? do pediatricians work with alot of babies? do pediatricians work with alot of babies?

Who is a Pediatricians apprentiship?

If pediatricians were to have an apprentice, it would be a pediatric resident.

Are pediatricians only from the US?

No there are also pediatricians in other countries.

Are pediatricians a professional position?

Yes, pediatricians are considered professionals.

Are pediatricians healthcare or nursing?

Pediatricians are licensed medical practitioners.

Where do pediatricians often work?

Pediatricians usually work in hospitals.