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Cicada juveniles are called "nymphs" and while living that 13 or 17 years underground, they suck root fluids for food. So they are not in "hibernation" or such,. They have five juvenile stages in their underground burrows, with each stage ending with eclosion (shedding of the old nymphal skin). Close to their time to emerge, they dig tunnel from the underground.

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Q: How do periodic cicadas survive underground for 17 years?
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Do all cicadas stay underground for 17 years?


What is the life span of a cicadas?

17 years but most of it is spent underground.

How often do cicadas appear?

ANSWER:They appear about 7-9 years. Some larvae stay underground for 13 years and others for 17 years.

What insect wakes up every 13 to 17 years?

You probably mean cicadas that remain underground for 17 years, emerge, lay eggs and die

Do brood 2 cicadas get eaten under ground?

Brood 2 cicadas do not get eaten underground. They stay underground for many years and then come up through the ground. The can and do get eaten once they emerge. Animals and birds will eat them.

What insect lives 12 years underground then comes out to mate for 7 days then dies?

North American Cicadas

How do cicadas grow underground?

because they have to have the right temperate to live that is why they stay for 13-17 years under groundya

What insect lives 12 years underground and comes out to mate in 7 days and dies?

The North American Cicadas.

How many years do cicadas sleep?

17 years

How long are cicadas underground?

One species of cicada can live for 17 years, but others have shorter life

Do cicadas live in trees?

Some think Cicadas lay eggs underground. However, though not usually in Pine trees, they cut a slit in the tender bark of small branches and deposit their eggs. When the eggs hatch, the larva fall to the ground and tunnel in for the next 17 or so years.

How did the cicadas decide that they would wait a prime number of year before emerging?

To think of cicadas as "deciding" something is anthropomorphizing; that is, using words that describe human attributions with things that don't really think as humans do. What probably happened is that those cicadas which happened to have a prime number cycle tended to avoid having predators match their periodic appearances and so increased relative to those that didn't, and as a consequence, got eaten. This is Natural Selection. Incidently, only Periodic cicadas have prime number cycles (17 or 13 years); there are also Annual cicadas which as their name implies, appear every year.