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They get a set salary per month. Congress votes on it and the one they get as well. Some presidents don't take the salary because they don't need it. JFK was one who didn't. The presidents pay for their household items and food. Only state dinners are paid for by the government.

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8y ago
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9y ago

The President of the United States is paid an annual salary. The current salary for the President is 400,000 dollar and they also get a 50,000 expense account.

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8y ago

They are given salary set by congress. Many like JFK took no salary as president. All presidents do pay for their living expenses while in the White House.

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8y ago

They are paid through the Federal government. The salary is set by Congress. Several took no salary and all pay for their house hold expenses.

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The Federal government pays them. Congress sets the salary. They have to pay their living expenses.

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