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Fires death rays if a predator gets too close!

Seriously, like all butterflies, the Monarch butterfly has compound eyes. Compound eyes give butterflies excellent color perception and motion detection. They can see objects above, below, beside, in front of, and below them all at the same time. Butterflies can see a wide range of colors.

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They become less active and they move their wings slowly up and down

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Q: How do monarch butterflies survive in a warm environment?
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What kind of environment does bacteria need for reproducing and multiplying?

warm(but not to warm)and a environment with the necessary nutrition

What kind of environment do mushrooms need in order to survive?

well, it depends on how they react living they have roles to play there roles are consumer and decomposer

Can a monarch live in cold weather?

Yes. As long as his palace has heating, or he has a warm coat.

Would would humans have done to the environment that might make the damage from a hurricane worse?

Global warming is a big factor. Hurricanes can survive and get stronger by going over warm waters and having warm air. Thus, the warmer the water, he more dangerous the storm and the longer it lasts.

How can an ectotherm warm up in the cold?

because of its external environment

Related questions

Are monarch butterflies warm or cold blooded?

Monarch butterflies are cold blooded just like all insects. Monarch butterflies rest in the sun and shiver their wings to warm up when they are cold.

Are monarch butterflies warm blood or cold blooded?

Monarch Butterflies are cold blooded just like all insects. Monarch butterflies rest in the sun and shiver their wings to warm up when they are cold.

Are monarch butterflies cold-blooded?

their warm blooded

Where can you find monarch butterflies in NYC?

The zoo would be the only place. Monarch butterflies like warm weather and native to Mexico and South America. They migrate in the spring to California Monterey groves. I can't imagine that they would survive through the winters in NYC without protection.

Where do monarch butterflies spend the summer?

In the warm northern regions of North America.

What kind of place monarch butterflies need for their winter resting place?

In warm places

How do monarch butterflies survive the winter?

Water, fruit, leaves, fresh air, Grass sunlight or some sort of bright lighting.

Why do butterflies lay eggs during July?

Cause its warm and the caterpillars will survive

What kind of place do monarch butterflies need for their winter resting place?

A warm place

Why do monarch butterflies migrate to warmer temperatures?

They need a warm climate to survive, so they migrate south for the winter and return north in the summertime.

Where do monarch butterflies stay in the winter?

There is one that we discovered in our house in Caledon Dec 7. maybe it will go into cocoon stage since it found a warm place to hang out.

What type of environment do bacterium need to survive?

Damp and warm places.