

How do tornadoes affect the ecology of an area?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Tornadoes can destroy vegetation, especially in forested areas and destroy habitats.

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Q: How do tornadoes affect the ecology of an area?
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Tornadoes are not geologic in nature; they are a weather phenomenon. The geology of an area can affect weather, but weather is generally held as a separate field.

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i don't know about the 2nd part but ecology is how animals interact with one another and there environment

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Tornadoes don't really affect aquifers at all. Aquifers are far enough underground to be beyond the influence of tornadoes.

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Tornadoes mainly affect human habitats by damaging and destroying homes.

How can a tornado affect vegetation in an area?

Tornadoes can snap and uproot trees, break tree limbs, and uproot smaller plants.

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We now know how hurricanes originate and how they affect ecology. Or The origination of hurricanes is now known, as well as, how they affect ecology. The second sentence is pretty and more understandable than the top. It conveys the meaning more clearly.

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Tornadoes do not affect climate change. They may be affected by climate change, but how is yet to be determined.

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They don't really. Tornadoes can cause some soil erosion, but this affect is not very significant except in rare cases of extremely violent tornadoes.

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Tornadoes can destroy trees and animal habitats when they hit them.

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tornadoes i think affect it