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Many things are indicators as to the true identity of Jesus. But probably the biggest one would be that all that Christ did in his short time on Earth was for the glory of the Heavenly Father. He really took no credit himself, but always demured to God. Another reason is simply that Jesus was tempted by Satan on the mountain. Satan showed him all the worldly treasures and promised if Jesus were to worship him, all the world would be Jesus's domain. The devil would not have bothered if Jesus was his son instead of God's.

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Q: How do we know Jesus was not the son of the Devil instead of God?
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The devil want Jesus to be a submissive, fallen (one who sinned) powerless messiah. In Matthew 4:1-11, the devil tries to trick Jesus into sinning thereby failing to remain faithful to Father God. But, Jesus showed Christians how to overcome the devil with the Word of God.

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No. Because they are not doing the work of the devil, but the work of God in Jesus which is faith.

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God, Yahweh, is the Creator. The devil is a fallen angel created by God. The Creator is always greater than the creature. I John 4:4 tells us, "He who is in you (God) is greater than he (Satan) who is in the world." "God in you" is only true if you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Jesus is coming back soon, are your prepared?

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no! he is bad. love god instead :)

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Methodists don't worship the devil. They are Christians and worship God and Jesus Christ.

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No human can do that. The devil is evil. Killing the devil is hard to do for humans, God and Jesus can kill the devil

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The word of God

What does the Bible say about the devil owning us before you were comited to god?

The bible says that before we come to know Him through Christ, we are all slaves to the Father of Lies, Satan himself. In order to be made free of this, Jesus Christ had to come and die for our sins. Once He did that, and if we accept His free gift of salvation, we are no longer slaves to the devil but instead sons and daughters of God.

How could Jesus be tempted 3 times yet it Says after Satan tempted Him in All things he departed?

1) Satan said to Jesus, who was fasting, if you are hungry, turn the bread into stones. Jesus said man does not live by bread alone, but, by every word that comes from God. 2) Satan said to Jesus, why not throw yourself off a cliff and see if the angels will catch you? Jesus said not to put God to the test and force God to save you. 3) Satan then said that if Jesus were to worship him (the devil), then the devil would give all the kingdoms on Earth to rule. Jesus said, thou shall worship the Lord God, and no other than the Lord God. With that, the devil, Satan, departed. Jesus refused to do what the devil said, and the devil gave up trying to tempt Jesus.