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By using the steering wheel which is connected to a cable that is connected to a pipe that moves the steering wheels

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Q: How do wheels turn on a car?
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What makes the wheels turn on a car?


What is faster around a turn Car or Motorcycle?

car has 4 wheels and more traction in a turn

What is the function of steering wheel?

to turn the wheels of a car !

What is the function of a steering wheel?

to turn the wheels of a car !

When parallel parking on the right turn the wheels sharply to the left when?

when you are parking UPhill.supposedly then if the car rolls the wheels will contact the curb and stop the car. Down hill turn to the right

What makes your car turn left to right?

The front wheels being moved by the steering wheels rotation. The direction that the wheels are pointing denote the direction that the car is travelling.

When parking your car on a hill with no curb which way do you turn your wheels left or right?

Answer depends on whether you are faced uphill or downhill. Facing downhill, turn your wheels towards the shoulder, so that a rolling vehicle goes off the road on that side. facing uphill, turn wheels AWAY from shoulder, so that a vehicle rolling backwards will go off the side.

When a cars wheels turn the wheels push backwards on the road what is it that makes the car go forward?


How do you park on a hill?

uphill turn front wheels away from curb downhill turn front wheels into the curb this is to avoid the car rolling away


You turn your front wheels to point towards the kerb. That way - if your handbrake fails - the car will roll in the direction the wheels are pointing - and the curb will stop the car going any further.

What causes rear end of car not want to turn when turning?

If effort is not given to steering wheel, front wheels also would not turn. When a turn is taken, no such effort is given to rear wheels for turning because the cars are usually front wheeled steered. So it is the inertia of the wheels and the car which causes the rear end of the car not want to turn when turning and they usually slip.

What wheel loses touch with the ground when a car makes a sharp turn?

The wheels on the side of the direction of the turn.