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I think you should leave them to hack it an mack a new one

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Q: How do you block or cancel your old yahoo email account because someones hacked into it?
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If someone had hacked your account then you should delete your account on the site and cancel your bank card

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Nothing will happen. Unless owner of account complains to help desk, They can get there account back. I am pretty sure nothing would happen to you. though other then losing the account you hacked.

When a chat account such as AIM is hacked can the hacker IM others as the person whos account they hacked?

Yes, they certainly can because they are being YOU! Then as the time goes on they have hacked it, you can see if they have been chatting and IMing other users that IM your account, which they think it is you... Also Report Them TO The Authorities Because Hacking Is Against The LAW!!

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You get hacked.

Can you sue a game website if your account is hacked and they refuse to retrieve your account?

If there was money involved in the gaming account and if you have literal proof that it was hacked maybe. But first check out the terms and guidelines because if they have a disclaimer then you have no case (you already agreed to their terms)

Is it safe to use your credit card after the psn got hacked?

no because now they have all your stuff i think u should cancel it