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This is to be calculated from at least two identical kinetic experiments1) only varying the temperature. Use the Arrhenius equation2):

kT = A * e^[-Ea/R.T ]in which: (all in SI units: J, mole, K as applicable)
  • kT = rate constant, measured at temp. T1 or T2
  • A = Arrhenius factor, (largely) independent of temperature (if |T1-T2| < 25 K)
  • e^ = power of e, e being the base of the natural logarithm, e=2.71828...
  • Ea = activation energy of the particular reaction (independent of temperature and concentration)
  • R = universal gas constant
  • T = temperature (T1 or T2, both > 250 K)

1) All reaction parameters should be the same except temperature.

2)The Arrhenius equation is a simple, but remarkably accurate, formula for the temperature dependence of the rate constant, and therefore, rate of a chemical reaction.

The equation was first proposed by the Dutch chemist J. H. van 't Hoff (who was my 'chemical grandfather' when I was 14, at my first chemical college) in 1884; five years later in 1889, the Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius provided a physical justification and interpretation for it.

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Q: How do you calculate energy of activation in catalysis?
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FalseAll chemical reactions require an initial input of energy called activation energy.

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a substance that inreases the rate of reation by lowering the activation-energy barrier. the catalyst is not used up in the reaction.

What is catailysis?

It is an enzyme that allows for a reaction to accur sooner then normal. The catalysis makes the activation energy needed by the reaction less then what would have been normally. Allowing for a reaction to happen faster.

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activation energy ( I know it is right because it is in my science book)

What is it called when energy is required to start a chemical reaction?

An exergonic reaction is activation energy (or energy of activation). An endergonic reaction is essentially the opposite of an exergonic reaction.

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activation energy activation energy

Is activation energy added or just there?

Activation energy is the amount of energy that should be gained by potential reactants, for a reaction to occur. A reaction can be occurred by reducing the activation energy of the reaction or increasing the activation energy of the reactants. Activation energy should be added.

What is an activation energy diagram in chemistry?

Activation energy in chemistry is the amount of energy required to start a reaction. For every chemical reaction, a certain amount of energy is required to start it. The diagram represents how much energy it takes to do this, and also shows how much energy you get from it. With this diagram, you can also calculate the energy of products, reactants, e.t.c. This is also a useful diagram to explain the function of a catalyst, something used to decrease the activation energy.

What is the minimum energy required for molecules to react with each other called?

That is called the activation energy or energy of activation (Ea).

What does an enzyme do to the activation energy needed to start a chemical reaction?

Enzymes are catalysts, they reduce the activation energy.