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(Births per unit of time - deaths per unit of time)/unit of time. For example, if the city of Anabru had 100 births and 70deaths in a year, the population growth rate would be 30 per year. If the population of Anabru were 10,000 at the beginning of the year, in percent, the growth rate would be 30/10,000 x 100% = 0.3%

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Q: How do you calculate the rate of change in a population?
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How do you calculate birth rate?

to calculate birth rate, you take the number of births, divide it by the population and then times that answer by 100.

Calculate the growth rate of a population. (class notes)?

birth rate - death rate = growth rate

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There is a change in population.

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Population growth rate definition?

Population growth rate is the rate at which populations change in size over time as a fraction of the initial population. The formula used to measure growth rate is (birth rate + immigration) - (death rate + emigration).

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death rate divided by population ( 88 574 614 ) x 1000 = DR (round off the first decimal)

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It doesn't change.

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The biggest thing that can change a population is the availability of jobs in that are. 2 other things that can change the population of an area is what businesses are there and the crime rate.

How does the birth rate change the size of a population?

More babies, more members of the population.