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Private Sub Command1_Click()

a = Text1.Text

b = StrReverse(a)

If a = b Then

Print "palindrome"


Print "not palindrome"

End If

End Sub

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12y ago

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim x, s, n, a As Integer

n = Val(Text1.Text)

a = n

s = 0

Do While (n > 0)

x = n Mod 10

s = s * 10 + x

n = n / 10


If (a = s) Then

Text2.Text = "Pal"


Text2.Text = "not Pal"

End If

End Sub

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11y ago

Option Explicit

Sub mac()

Dim Mystr

Dim Revstr

Mystr = InputBox("enter the string")

Revstr = StrReverse(Mystr)

If StrComp(Mystr, Revstr) = 0 Then

MsgBox ("the given string is palindrome")


MsgBox ("the given string is not palindrome")

End If

End Sub

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Q: How do you check whether a string is palindrome or not using vb Script?
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Program to check that given string is palindrome or not in C?

/*To check whether a string is palindrome*/includeincludevoid main () { int i,j,f=0; char a[10]; clrscr (); gets(a); for (i=0;a[i]!='\0';i++) { } i--; for (j=0;a[j]!='\0';j++,i--) { if (a[i]!=a[j]) f=1; } if (f==0) printf("string is palindrome"); else printf("string is not palindrome"); getch (); }

Shell script to check if a string is a palindrome?

len=0i=1echo -n "Enter a String: "read strlen=`echo $str | wc -c`len=`expr $len - 1`halfLen=`expr $len / 2`while [ $i -le $halfLen ]doc1=`echo $str|cut -c$i`c2=`echo $str|cut -c$len`if [ $c1 != $c2 ] ; thenecho "string is not palindrome"exitfii=`expr $i + 1`len=`expr $len - 1`doneecho "String is Palindrome"

Write a pseudo logic to check whether a string is palindrome or not?

Prepare the string for processing: Remove all punctuation from the string (e.g., commas, hyphens, whitespace, etc). Convert to the same case (e.g., lower-case). Instantiate two pointers, one pointing at the first character, the other pointing at the last character. Process: If the two pointers are pointing at the same position or have crossed each other, the string is a palindrome. Otherwise, compare the characters being pointed at. If they are not equal, the string is not a palindrome. Otherwise, move both pointers one position towards the middle of the string and repeat the process.

How do you check given string is palindrome or not with out using string functions?

/*To check whether a string is palindrome*/includeincludevoid main () {int i,j,f=0;char a[10];clrscr ();gets(a);for (i=0;a[i]!='\0';i++){}i--;for (j=0;a[j]!='\0';j++,i--){if (a[i]!=a[j])f=1;}if (f==0)printf("string is palindrome");else printf("string is not palindrome");getch ();}

Bluej program-read a string and check if the given string is a palindrome?

import java.util.Scanner; public class Palindrome{ public static void main(String[] args){ String front; String back =""; char[] failure; String backwards; Scanner input=new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter a word: ");; front=front.replaceAll(" ", ""); failure=front.toCharArray(); for (int i=0; i<failure.length; i++){ back=failure[i] + back; } if (front.equals(back)){ System.out.print("That word is a palindrome"); }else System.out.print("That word is not a palindrome"); }}

Related questions

Write a PHP program to check whether the string is palindrome or not?

You can do this: <?php if ( $word === strrev( $word ) ) { echo "The word is a palindrome"; } else { echo "The word is not a palindrome"; }

Program to check that given string is palindrome or not in C?

/*To check whether a string is palindrome*/includeincludevoid main () { int i,j,f=0; char a[10]; clrscr (); gets(a); for (i=0;a[i]!='\0';i++) { } i--; for (j=0;a[j]!='\0';j++,i--) { if (a[i]!=a[j]) f=1; } if (f==0) printf("string is palindrome"); else printf("string is not palindrome"); getch (); }

What are examples of a palindrome program forward and backwards?

To check if a string is a palindrome, point to each end of the string and work inwards towards the middle. If the characters pointed at differ, the string is not a palindrome. When the pointers meet or cross each other, the string is a palindrome. Note that the string cannot contain whitespace or punctuation and comparisons must not be case-sensitive.

How do you write a program in C to check whether a word is a palindrome or not?

It is a simple program. i think u may understand it :#include#include#includevoid main(){char s[10];char x[10];int a;clrscr();strcpy(x,s);strrev(s);a=strcmp(s,x);if(a==0){printf("the entered string is palindrome");}else{printf("the entered string is not palindrome");}output:given string is not palindrome

What are the explanation steps for palindrome program?

If you want to check whether a string is a palindrome, you can reverse the string (for example, the Java class StringBuffer has a reverse() method), and then compare whether the two strings - the original string and the reverted string - are equal. Alternately, you could write a loop that checks whether the first character of the string is equal to the last one, the second is equal to the second-last one, etc.; that is, you have a counter variable (in a "for" loop) that goes from zero to length - 1 (call it "i"), and compare character #i with character #(length-i-1) inside the loop.

Shell script in unix to check if a string is a palindrome?

len=0 i=1 echo -n "Enter a String: " read str len=`echo $str | wc -c` len=`expr $len - 1` halfLen=`expr $len / 2` while [ $i -le $halfLen ] do c1=`echo $str|cut -c$i` c2=`echo $str|cut -c$len` if [ $c1 != $c2 ] ; then echo "string is not palindrome" exit fi i=`expr $i + 1` len=`expr $len - 1` done echo "String is Palindrome"

Program for palindrome in php?

You could use a function like this:function isPalindrome($string) {$string = strtolower($string);return (strrev($string) == $string) ? true : false;}and then to check a palindrome call an if statement like so:if(isPalindrome($test)) {echo $test.' is a palindrome';}else {echo $test.' is not a palindrome';}

Shell script to check if a string is a palindrome?

len=0i=1echo -n "Enter a String: "read strlen=`echo $str | wc -c`len=`expr $len - 1`halfLen=`expr $len / 2`while [ $i -le $halfLen ]doc1=`echo $str|cut -c$i`c2=`echo $str|cut -c$len`if [ $c1 != $c2 ] ; thenecho "string is not palindrome"exitfii=`expr $i + 1`len=`expr $len - 1`doneecho "String is Palindrome"

Design an algorithm to check whether a given string is a palindrome or not?

#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <string.h> void input(char a[ ]) { int i; printf("\n enter string\n"); scanf("%s",a); } void output(char a[ ]) { printf("\n string is %s",a); } int palindrome(char a[ ]) { int n,i; n=count(a); n=n-1; i=0; for(;a[n]==a[i] && n>=i;i++,n--); if(n>=i) return 0; else return 1; } void main( ) { char a[80],b[80],s; int n; printf("\n check palindrome"); input(a); n=palindrome(a); output(a); if(n==1) printf("\n palindrome"); else printf("\n not palindrome"); getch(); }

Design a algorithm to check whether a given string is palindrome or not?

#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <string.h> void input(char a[ ]) { int i; printf("\n enter string\n"); scanf("%s",a); } void output(char a[ ]) { printf("\n string is %s",a); } int palindrome(char a[ ]) { int n,i; n=count(a); n=n-1; i=0; for(;a[n]==a[i] && n>=i;i++,n--); if(n>=i) return 0; else return 1; } void main( ) { char a[80],b[80],s; int n; printf("\n check palindrome"); input(a); n=palindrome(a); output(a); if(n==1) printf("\n palindrome"); else printf("\n not palindrome"); getch(); }

Write an algorithm to check whether a given string is palindrome or not?

#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <string.h> void input(char a[ ]) { int i; printf("\n enter string\n"); scanf("%s",a); } void output(char a[ ]) { printf("\n string is %s",a); } int palindrome(char a[ ]) { int n,i; n=count(a); n=n-1; i=0; for(;a[n]==a[i] && n>=i;i++,n--); if(n>=i) return 0; else return 1; } void main( ) { char a[80],b[80],s; int n; printf("\n check palindrome"); input(a); n=palindrome(a); output(a); if(n==1) printf("\n palindrome"); else printf("\n not palindrome"); getch(); }

Write a pseudo logic to check whether a string is palindrome or not?

Prepare the string for processing: Remove all punctuation from the string (e.g., commas, hyphens, whitespace, etc). Convert to the same case (e.g., lower-case). Instantiate two pointers, one pointing at the first character, the other pointing at the last character. Process: If the two pointers are pointing at the same position or have crossed each other, the string is a palindrome. Otherwise, compare the characters being pointed at. If they are not equal, the string is not a palindrome. Otherwise, move both pointers one position towards the middle of the string and repeat the process.