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To deal with homophobia from a peer/friend/family member, just ignore it at first but don't give in to their ignorance and passively hide your ways. Be proud of who you are if that is the case. Never be ashamed and hide/disguise yourself as a heterosexual if that's not who you are. It can mentally destroy both you and your fake partner, if you ever obtained one to cover your true self up. If it was a personal, hurtful situation with friends or family, peacefully confront that person, telling them that you are proud and what you are is not a result from choice. Homophobia usually results from people not knowing what something is. I don't believe that homophobia is a fear; it's just pure ignorance. Most homophobes believe that a homosexual is attracted to ALL members of the same sex and are afraid to approach them. Sometimes, homophobes may be jealous because they know that opposite-sex relationships can be very hurtful and hard. Heterosexuals who are homophobic may be ashamed of their own orientation, so be careful when dealing with them because it may lead to a breakdown. Whatever you do, just stay true to yourself. If you have a friend who is constantly knocked around because of homophobic peers, stick up for them with all of your heart. :)

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It's about your relationship with them. If you have a good relationship with your parents then come out to them. I am here to support you! This is something you need to understand, be respectful to your parents and please don't cry and always be strong. You are loved. If you have a bad relationship with your parents or if they are strict wait until you move out. It's your choice if you want to text them and tell them your feelings or if you want to meet up with them.

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Q: How to come out to homophobic parents?
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Once you are at least 18 and self-sufficient, move away to a large city. Many gay people with hateful parents do this.

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Just the same as gays and lesbians do i would think. But if you wanna come out think first what type of family you have and what kind of community you life in. If your community supports LGBT people then you have little to fear but bear in mind that your safety is more important then risking it by telling some homophobic parents.

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No. George Michael is not homophobic. Also, he is gay.

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Yes, they can be homophobic. And they can be as bad as men about it.

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American atheists are not homophobic as a class. In fact, the reader wonders at the source of your statistics.American atheists are not homophobic as a class. In fact, the reader wonders at the source of your statistics.American atheists are not homophobic as a class. In fact, the reader wonders at the source of your statistics.American atheists are not homophobic as a class. In fact, the reader wonders at the source of your statistics.

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What help is available for someone struggling with their sexuality?

If you have a homophobic parents then for your own safety don't tell them until you have a job and apartment of your own. And it depends what kind of community you live in. If there are many openly gay, lesbian, bisexual people near you, you could ask them for help. Someone who can help you directly, be with you in time of need. But if your friends/parents are not necessarily homophobic then you could begin by giving them small hints that you are. Example if your family is watching the TV and there are gay couple making love or something, try to see there reactions to it. Words, facial expression, any little detail could help in more way then you would think. I'm Bi and i wanna scream to everyone that i am. I am openly bi but i won't tell my dad myself because he is homophobic. In the end it can often do more harm the good to come out. Be sure that you are safe to come out. It helps to speak to your oldest and most trusted friend.

I am a freshman in high school and I want to come out as gay to my friends but I fear that some of them are homophobic. What do I do?

Your primary concern is your parents. If you feel you might be in danger of being thrown out of your house or subjected to controversial conversion therapy, do not come out to anyone. Wait until you are self-supporting.To a lesser extent, if you feel that your homophobic friends might do harm to you, then you may wish to wait until you feel safer. Otherwise, it's a very good idea to come out to your friends. Your true friends will stick by you.