

How do you determine a hamster pregnancy week by week?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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well you can determine your hamsters pregnancy week by week because you will notice it drinking lots of water and the belly will begin getting bigger

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Q: How do you determine a hamster pregnancy week by week?
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It is believed that the animal with the shortest pregnancy is the bandicoot. They have a gestation period that only last 12 days.

Where can one find pregnancy week by week pictures?

Week by week pregnancy pictures can be found in books retrieved from the library. There are websites online like Babycenter, Thebump, and 3Dpregnancy that have photos available of week by week pregnancy.

How long does pregnancy take for hamster?

The average gestation period for a hamster is 22 days. A healthy gestation period for a hamster can range from 16 to 23 days.

Where can I find a week by week pregnancy calendar?

One can find a week by week pregnancy calender from many places. Some of the best sites where one can easily find pregnancy calender are kids health,3d pregnancy and many more.

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If your period is one week overdue, then a pregnancy test is recommended to determine if you are pregnant. However, being a week late does not necessarily mean that you are pregnant; just that you should get tested for pregnancy. Birth control and stress are examples of things that can impact a cycle which had previously been normal/regular.

Where can I find a chart for pregnancy week by week?

If you go to a website such as babycenter dot com, you will be able to find a chart that explains pregnancy week by week.

How long does it take for a hamster to learn to walk?

About a week :)

Can a hamster survive without eating for a week?

no it cannot.

How do you interact with your hamster?

You should take your hamster out of its cage a few times a week, or even every day if you want to. You can put him/her in their hamster ball, a hamster playpen, or just hold them. There are a lot of ways to interact with your hamster.

Where can I find information on pregnancy week by week?

Babycenter's website has a very detailed information chart on how a fetus develops week-by-week during a pregnancy. The site also has an information chart on how twins develop during pregnancy.