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It can be written in the form y = ax2 + bx + c where a, b and c are constants and a ≠ 0

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Q: How do you determine that a function is quadratic function?
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How can you determine if a function is a quadratic function from its equation?

If the highest exponent of independent variable(say x) is 2 and the highest exponent of dependent variable(say y) is 1 and x and y are not multiplied, then the function is quadratic. For example: 3x-y+x2= 2y-5x+7 represents a quadratic function but y= xy+x2+5 doesn't represent a quadratic function.

Why does the discriminant determine the number and type of the solutions for a quadratic equation?

A quadratic equation is wholly defined by its coefficients. The solutions or roots of the quadratic can, therefore, be determined by a function of these coefficients - and this function called the quadratic formula. Within this function, there is one part that specifically determines the number and types of solutions it is therefore called the discriminant: it discriminates between the different types of solutions.

What part of speech is quadratic function?

A quadratic function is a noun. The plural form would be quadratic functions.

How To Determine The Roots Of Quadratic Function?

x = [ -b ± √(b2-4ac) ] / 2a Using this formula you get 2 roots for + and -

What is the degree of a quadratic function?

A quadratic function will have a degree of two.

Why is a quadratic function called a quadratic function?

A quadratic function is a second degree polynomial, that is, is involves something raised to the power of 2, also know as squaring. Quadratus is Latin for square. Hence Quadratic.

What is the definition of a Vertex form of a quadratic function?

it is a vertices's form of a function known as Quadratic

What do you call the graph of a quadratic function?

the graph of a quadratic function is a parabola. hope this helps xP

What part of speech is function?

A quadratic function is a noun. The plural form would be quadratic functions.

How do you determine if the graph of a quadratic function has a min or max from its equation?

If x2 is negative it will have a maximum value If x2 is positive it will have a minimum value

What makes a function have a graph that is quadratic?

That the function is a quadratic expression.

Why is a quadratic function a function of x having the highest degree 2?

It follows from the definition of a quadratic funtcion.