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Sexing chicks is a difficult job to do well.

Vent sexing or identifying the sex of a day old chick by looking at its sexual organs is done by very well trained people. It takes a long time to learn how to identify the more than 15 different shapes of the cloaca. Chicks are often damaged or killed by squeezing them too hard when done by a novice handler. Feather sexing is based on feather characteristics that differ between male and female chicks.The feather appearances are determined by specially selected genetic traits called sex-link that must be present in the chick strain. Most breeds of chickens do not have these feather sexing characteristics and the feathering of both sexes appear identical. Day old chicks sold at Hatcheries are sometimes offered with this genetic trait. The easiest method of sexing chickens by the novice small flock owner is to care for the birds until they begin showing the natural secondary characteristics of their gender. In males, the combs and wattles will become larger than those on females and the head will become more angular and masculine looking. The female will remain smaller than the male and is more refined or feminine looking. At about two months old and if the chickens are free range, tossing something over their heads will produce a noticeable reaction that will help. The hens will put their heads down and remain still, the roosters among the flock will look up and run around looking for the perceived danger.

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Q: How do you determine the sex of a day old chick?
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Is there a way to determine the sex of a chicken from eggs?

No. It is hard enough to sex a day old chick. There is only one way see into an egg and that is by candling. Candling only shows dark shadows and no definition. There is absolutely no way to tell from shadows what sex a chick is.

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Day one if you are VERY EXPERIENCED. Most hatcheries have people on staff (usually Japanese based on the need for sexing in a country with limited space) that sex day old chicks. They squeeze the chick to release fecal material then flip it over, open the vent and look for a small lump to determine male or female.

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the ultamate sex chick was ...... Gina Lynn a sex porn star

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If they have a vagina then they are a chick. If they have a penis they are a man-chick.

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There is research evidence to suggest that in some breeds higher temperatures can determine the sex of a chicken just as it does in some reptiles. However, since the eggs are incubated under a hen, and not in the ground, the hen will keep the eggs at a steady 100F and the sex of the chick will depend on its genetics.

Can you determine the sex of a chick by examining its beak?

No. If the bird comes from a sex-linked breed the sex can be determined by feather coloration, otherwise you examine the vent, or wait until it is more mature and look at it's comb and wattles.

Does color determine sex of a duck?

No the color of the duck does not determine the sex of the duck.

Am i pregnant if i have my period for one day?

This is not enough to determine pregnancy. Take a test 2 weeks after sex.

What is the word for a young hen?

A young hen less than a year old is called a pullet. A chick is a baby bird (of any type) regardless of its sex.

How do you determine the sex in wild ungulates?

Samples of DNA can be taken from feces to determine the sex.

Is three way sex fun?

yes especally with a fat chick

What carries the gene that determine sex?

the answer is sex chromosomes