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Maybe an example will make it clear.



3 goes into 13 4 times; so start by writing the 4.


Now put the decimal place after the 4.


Now there is 1 remainder, so add a zero to make it 10, and determine that 3 goes into 10 3 times. Write the 3 after the decimal point, since you had to add a zero.


Now there is a remainder of 1; so add another zero to make it 10, and determine that 3 goes into 10 3 times. Add another 3 after the first 3.


It's clear that now you will have 3's repeating forever; so you need to determine how many places you want to go out to, or where you should round off. Let's say you want to round off to the nearest 10th; so the 3 in the hundreth's column is less than half way to 10; so round down.

4.3 is the final answer.

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