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Number of protons= Atomic number

Number of neutrons= Mass number-Atomic number

Number of electrons=Number of protons (If there is no charge on the atom)

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Q: How do you figure out the subatomic particle numbers for each element?
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What subatomic particle is the MOST important when trying to figure out what the element is?

The number of protons tells you which chemical element the atom is. The number of neutrons determines the isotope of the element.

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You know how many protons and neutrons are present. You can also figure out what element it is if you happen to have a periodic table of elememts.

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The atomic number of the element is the subscript (bottom number) and the mass number is the superscript (top number); and both those numbers are written to the left of the element symbol.

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Advantages:- Fewer numerals are needed. No nought figure is required for positional place value purposes. Large numbers can be expressed by using the subtractive element of the system.

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Yes. 8 figure numbers for each soldier, Officers have 6 figure numbers.

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We get Lissajous figure when the resultant part traced by the particle that is acted upon simultaneously by two harmonic motions at right angles.

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A chemical symbol refers to a chemical element; the first letter of a symbol depends on the chemical element.

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Add the numbers together and divide by the amount of numbers there are

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You add up the numbers.

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Leading figure investigation is when you round of numbers to their closest units.