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You measure it. Depending on the information provided, you can also calculate it, for example using trigonometry.


Work done= Force vector . Displacement vector=Force*displacement*cos a, where a is the angle between the force and the displacement. So you have the values of work force and displacement then you can do the cosine inverse of the ratio of work done to the product of the force and displacement. That will give you the angle.

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Q: How do you find the angle in the work done?
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What is the difference between negative work and zero work and positive work done?

If the angle between the displacement and force applied is less than a right angle, then it is Positive Work done. If the angle between the displacement and the force applied is greater than a right angle then it is Negative Work done. If the displacement and force are at right angles, or either is zero, then it is Zero Work done.

What can be said about a situation in which work done is negative?

the formula F.S cos angle is used (the dot product) so if angle is 0,cos angle=1 hence work done is positive and maximum if angle is 90 so cos 90 is 0 hence work done is minimum if work done is negative the angle is 180 The work done by friction is always negative (opposite the force) Since work is force x displacement, a negative value for work could mean that the displacent was negative

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-no work is done because the force and displacement are making an angle of 90 so whrere angle is 90 no work is done

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When The Work Done is Zero Percent and it happens in 90 Angle.

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POSITIVE work is done when the direction of displacement and gravitational force is same. This makes an angle of zero degrees. Fd?FScos0 equals +1. The work done is positive.

How is work done when you lift a book?

the angle in which you lift the book , also known as the movement

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Work done is zero when force acts right angle to the direction of the motion of the body . my situation of zero work done , one day i hold many books approximately 15 after some time i feel very tired but there is a physical work done is zero because i worked against right angle . i feel actual work is done because when i holding book my muscles and blood circulate all over the body so i feel work is done. Arshad Quraishi

How calculate the engine work from pressure crank-angle diagram?

Well Work is the integral of P*dV and since the crank angle plot doesn't directly show volume you need to calculate instaneous volume of the cylinder as a function of crank angle. If you know the bore and stroke you can find the volume of the cylinder and you can relate this to the crank angle. Once you have these values you can replace the crank angle with volume and have a P-V plot or pressure on the y-axis and volume on the x-axis. Then you can integrate the area under the curve and find the work from the engine. However, all this is done for you if you can find the P-V diagram for your engine or engine cycle (Sterling, Atkinson, Otto, Diesel, etc.) and integrate this for the work.

Work done on a curved path?

You can do it by simply multiplying the weight of the mass to the length of the string and the resulting angle.

How do you find the amount of work done on an object?

Work = force x distance.

How much work can you get done at 30 45 and 60 degrees?

As much as you like except that the force required increases as the angle increases.

Do we use Louie Pasteur's work what he has done today?

Yes, we do use Louis Pasteur's work in our work today, because he would experiment and use microscopes to find disease, and that what is done today to find if something has germs in it.