

How do you gain weight without eating as much?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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Some wrestlers, for example, eat certain weight gaining bars to go up in weight class.

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Q: How do you gain weight without eating as much?
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You can always gain weight by eating too much of something. But greens are very good for you.

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Eating too much food and not getting enough exercise is what makes you gain weight.

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If you eat too much you can gain weight from just about anyhing.

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No we don't. You gain weight by not exercising and eating too much.

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Avocadoes are the most fatty fruit, but they may not help much in weight gain. If you easily gain weight, that will help.

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u gain weight by eating to much. u would eat 24/7 non stop and when u eat to much fats and to much sugar it can cause u to gain weight

How much weight you gain just eating cereapl?

Depends how much you eat. If you're eating over the recommended calorie-allowance for your height/age/gender then you'll put on weight. If you're eating below it, then you'll lose weight.

Is it normal to gain 8 kg in 2 months?

If you have been eating a lot of high calorie foods without much physical activity then it can be quite easy to pile the weight on, however if you have been putting on weight without any change to the foods you are eating, it is advisable for you to go and get a check up.

How can exercise lead to weight gain?

If you gain muscle while exercising, you can gain weight, otherwise it is pretty hard to, unless you are eating too much fatty foods or too many calories.

Why is it bad to eat burgers?

Eating too much burgers can make you gain weight and get obese.

Do you usually lose weight if you have an eating disorder?

You can lose or gain weight. An eating disorder could be you don't eat at all or you eat too much, such as seeking food for comfort.

Why Eating better but gaining weight?

while you are eating better you're still eating too much. the average person needs only 2000 calories to maintain their weight. if you're getting over that and not burning them off you'll gain weight. for every 3500 extra calories you gain one pound of fat.