Go to your local finanical institution. There are over 700 banks, financial institutions, etc that particpate in one of the three (3) medallian programs that the SEC requires. Usually the service is free for those with a relationship with the bank. Remember they are financially guarentee'ing your signature!
What does it mean to "financially" guarantee a signature? Is the banker required to view any financial documents other than those relating to accounts with their own institution?
Go to your local bank and ask them specifically for the Medallion signature stamp. ---- I guess the above answer must have been provided by a non-Canadian..........
After 2 days of web-searching and phone calls to financial institutions i finally found 1 person in the Estate Department of Royal Bank (RBC) who had any knowledge of this program. However, they said it is only available in Toronto or Vancouver so far.
(as of Aug. 2008) Follow up confirmed that the Medallion program is NOT available at my RBC,
but IS available through RBC Dominion Securities ..... but ONLY in Toronto or
Vancouver .... and you must be 'known' to them (be their customer, i think that means).
FYI.... The Medallion Signature Guarantee Program is 'licenced' by Kemark Financial Services, NY (www.kemark.com) (KFS@kemark.com) and simply put it means the stamp provider accepts full financial responsibility for all value$ if the party 'guaranteed' should ever be proven fraudulent. Since it was originated for the 'securities and commodites' business, this could mean a transaction in the millions.
I guess it is somewhat understandable therefore that 'they' make it so difficult to obtain. Still, where does that leave us 'ordinary honest citizens' who need to cash in the shares held by a deceased relative ????
The bar-coded medallion guarantee was introduced in the USA to help prevent cross border fraud. It is a guarantee whereby the transferring financial institution certifies that the signature is genuine and thus, accepts liability for any forgery. Many people (in the UK) found they need a Medallion Guarantee when they sold shares in companies such as Schweppes or Cadburys when those companies were bought by American companies.
This company can help if you are in the UK: www.iwc-ltd.co.uk
You need to ask the institution that is requiring the signature guarantee (typically a securities transfer agent) what is acceptable to it in that case. I have used a procedure where one signer provides a Specific Power of Attorney (POA) authorizing the second signer to sign the document on behalf of both.
The first signer prepares a Specific POA authorizing that action, takes the POA and the document itself to a signature guarantee institution and obtains a Medallion Signature Guarantee on the Specific POA (not on the document itself). Both the document and the signed/stamped POA are then sent to the second signer who takes them to a signature guarantee institution near him/her, signs the actual document on behalf of both signers and has another Medallion Signature Guarantee placed on the document itself. The completed document and the Specific POA are then both sent to the institution requiring the guarantee.
where can you get a medallion guarantee signature in massachusetts
Is Bank of America a participant in the medallion signature guarrantee program /
Branch managers at most Wells Fargo Bank locations can do a Medallion Signature Guarantee.
I have just had a Medallion Signature Guarantee at my Key Bank branch in Stone Ridge NY - so I guess this means, yes Key Bank does provide the Medallion signature guarentee.
In the bank where I used to work, several of the VPs had the authority to provide a medallion signature. Check with your bank.
What banks participate in the medallion signature guarantee program in New York
what branch of suntrust will do medallion signture
Yes. Wachovia bank confirmed to me that medallion signature guarantee stamp is available to all account holders.
What banks participate in the medallion signature guarantee program in the St. Louis Missouri area?
You can't get a Medallion signature guarantee in France, according to my research and according to the Paris consulate. Anyone know how to get ANY kind of signature guarantee in France? I don't believe you can.
Gold medallion signature guaranteeA gold medallion signature guarantee is a method of proving that a signature is valid. It is somewhat like getting your signature notarized, except that there are fewer places that can give a medallion signature guarantee and the liability (if the signature turns out to be invalid) of the institution giving the guarantee is greater than for a notary. If you need to get a medallion signature guarantee to validate your own signature, many banks and securities firms offer the service.You can try your Federal Credit Union, if you are a member of one, that is where I got mine. Be prepared for the process to take a bit longer than an ordinary notarization.Medallion signature guarantees are normally only available at banks, you must have a signature card on file with the bank in order for the signature to be verified.