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You can take sea salt and pour it into warm water. Add this mixture into a neti pot and pour it into one side of your nostril for about 3 seconds. Hold your breath so that the water doesn't go down your throat. With your index finger, press the nostril that you didn't pour water into, and blow. A lot of snot and boogers will come out. You can do this a couple times on both sides, and eventually not only will all of the boogers come out, but your sinuses will all be cleared up as well!

Picking your nose can give you a bloody nose and it hurts. The boogers have hardened in your nose and hurt when you try to pick them because they are still attached to the lining of your nostril. The friction that is created from trying to separate the booger from the lining causes pain.

Just be nice to your body!

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Q: How do you get hard boogers stuck in nose out?
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Is it good to have boogers in your nose?

Boogers are not good or bad, boogers are bits of dirt and dust stuck together with mucus. Once that mucus hardens it becomes a booger. Having boogers in your nose just shows that a lot of dirt and mucus has hardened in your nose at any point of time.

Why when you blow your nose does part of the snot get stuck somewhere around the bone in your upper nose?

yes that is why your get boogers stuck in your nose those borgers are sometimes dried snot from when you blow your nose if you do not blow your nose all the way.

What is the boogie nose?

it is boogers coming from a horses nose

Who ate the most boogers in one minute out of someones nose?

Quinten Hippy that ate 67 boogers out of his sisters nose!!!

Are boogers bad for you?

Boogers are usually harmless and just a mixture of mucus, dirt, bacteria, and other particles. However, excessive nose-picking can lead to nosebleeds, infections, or irritation of the nasal passages. It's best to avoid eating them as it can introduce bacteria into your system.

How many boogers in a nose?


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Why do we have nose?

To keep dust and boogers out.

Why are your boogers black and green and look like seaweed?

How do you know boogers are that color. You probably pick your nose!. Your nasty!

How do boogers form in a human nose?

boogers (ew) form by dirt that you breath in through your moouth and nose. i know its gross but its part of life! :)

Does horses have boogers?

Yes, horses do have boogers but there boogers is way up in the top of there nose where it first starts and there boogers is very larger than a humans so yes they do.

What part of your body produces boogers?
