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There is no sure fire way to get opiates out of your system quickly, without side effects. If you are wanting to clean the urine so you can take a urinalysis there is various over the counter remedies available. If you are wanting to flush opiates out of your body and try to shorten the amount of time you will experience withdrawals there simply is no easy way.

I recommend you drink lots of water and drink cranberry juice. Monitor your blood pressure as it can spike dangerously high during withdrawals. Be active and sweat, take frequent hot showers or baths.

The first three days is the very worst part of withdrawals. Loss of appetite, irritability, anxiety, depression, restless leg syndrome, cramps, nausea, vomiting, and insomnia are some of the major symptoms.

Listen to music that you like, find someone to socialize with and be active as possible. I stress that you keep an eye on your blood pressure as you can let it get out of hand and that could cause stroke or seizure which is not a good thing. Remember that it will pass and you will make it through just so long as you stick with it. There is simply no easy way out. The music, physical activity, and socializing will cause the brain to release endorphins and dopamine. These chemicals are the happy chemicals in the body the same ones that they drugs replaced. It will take a little while for your brain to learn to function correctly and make these chemicals at first and that is where all the anxiety, anger, depression, and insomnia comes from. It is your mind playing a trick on you so you will give it what it thinks you need.

The hot baths and showers will help you skin rid itself of the chemicals in the body and will help relax you. I recommend you get some medication for anxiety and sleep so you can make it through the three days. Try and get time off from work because you will be a mess. The cranberry juice will flush your kidneys, and the water will keep you hydrated. You will have tons and tons of cold sweats, and diarrhea. You will never be able to make your mind up if you are hot or cold.

Withdrawals are like the worse case of flu you have ever had. Just remember make it through the three days of hell, and then expect a week or so of being tired and you will have it whipped. The week of being tired is way easier to deal with than the three days of detoxing. It is where most people give up. It seems so easy to get that little bottle pop a pill and you will feel so much better - until you need another pill and the mess never goes away.

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13y ago

go to gnc and look for detox it will burn but it will clean your system out oh and its very expensive as well

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Q: How do you get opiate out of your system?
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