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Well, you could load the mothballs into a shotgun! Or, use a catapult.

The idea that they repel mice appears to be an old wives' tale.

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Q: How do you get rid of mice with mothballs?
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the best way getting rid of mice*is to put glue mats where the holes are.* get mothballs which they hate the smell of.

How can you get rid of cabbage butterflies?

Mothballs, I would guess. But be careful! Mothballs are extremely toxic and shouldn't be handled without care.

Do mothballs get rid of roaches?

Mothballs don't deter snakes directly. they may keep away mice and other rodents that the snake eats. If there is no food for the snakes, then the snakes wont hang around your house. I have heard that if you pour kerosene around your yard, they wont cross it because it burns or irritates their skin. Never tryed it but it's something to keep in mind.

You threw mothballs under your deck now how do you get rid of the smell?

Lime neutralizes just about anything, but mothballs should not be under your deck.

How do you keep mice out of your motor home?

A cat or two.

Do mothballs get rid of stray cats?

Mothballs are not safe ways to deter cats. They are fatal if ingested. Two safer alternatives are ammonia and vinegar.

How do you get rid of the smell of mothballs?

The smell of mothballs can be difficult to get rid of but heating up the area for a few hours to release odors, then airing out the area is one way that can help. Cleaning the area with vinegar and baking soda and using charcoal to help absorb the smell are other ways to rid your home of the smell.

Can you ever get rid of the smell in a house if mothballs have been used over a long period of time?


How do you get rid of mice in my home?

you can set mice traps around the house or if that dosnt work you can call an exterminator company to get rid of them :)

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you cant

Will wintergreen rid mice?

It works to get rid of diseases in the air, while acting as expectorant. The mice do not like the smell of wintergreen or peppermint.

How do you get rid of marmots?

Use mothballs where all of there tunnels are, or ammonia soaked rags at the mouth of there tunnel or newly digged one...