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A purple shampoo will neutralize any unwanted brass (yellow/orange tones) from blonde hair.

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Q: How do you get rid of yellow in bleached blonde hair?
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How do you get rid of bleached hair with out dying it?

You don't.

How do you get rid of yellow hair after colouring?

Dye it again a non-yellow colour

How do you get rid of green tinge in blonde hair?

Wash it with Ketchup. Tomato will neutralize the green color.

I just got cherry red streaks in my bleach blonde hair i washed your hair today and the red bled all over the rest of my blonde and now i have pink and red and blonde hair how do i get rid of the dye?

You could use a colour stripper but they can dammage your hair so i suggest just dyeing your hair blonde again first of all when you dye your hair or streak it your not suppose to wash it the first day. So ya dye your hair blonde again.

Does ketchup remove green from bleached hair?

yes ketchup does do that but not with all hair types but most of them also if you soak your hair in baby oil all day for about 2 days and that gets rid of all of the split ends in your hair and all of the bad bits.

How do you get rid of yellow out of bleach blonde hair?

Depends upon what is causing the yellow in your hair. If the yellow was caused by the bleach not taking the hair past the yellow stages and not by chemicals (such as greenish when wet from swimming in a chlorinated pool) then the simplist solution is to use a purple based shampoo, that Leaves in a purplish temporary color in the hair, other wise beauty supply stores care toners for just this problem... Look for the lightest shade of violet base to fight the yellow. The reason the purple violet working for the yellow is its the other side of the coloring wheel, in effect it nutralizes the yellow tone, however the best solution of all is to have a hairdresser correct the yellow tone for you.

How to get golden brown hair?

after u bleach your hair, use an "ash blond" dye like "lightest ash blond". the ash is the main important ingredient that gets rid of all the oranginess and redness of the bleach! or you can use a product called shimmer lights by clairol and it gradually takes out the orangy-ness

How do you get rid of red tones in your hair?

You have to dye your hair blonde and it should pull the red from your hair or if you don't want to risk your hair falling out, go to a salon. Don't use anything with Auburn colours, use dyes with ash colours.

Is designing a baby wrong?

I think its ok to get rid of diseases and stuff, but making the hair blonde because you dont like black is stupid and wrong!

How do you get rid of purple hair with the least amount of damage?

You can get rid of purple hair with the least amount of damage by bleaching, using Vitamin C treatment, color remover, anti-dandruff shampoo, bleach bath, bleach bath or High-lift Blonde Dye.

What colour should one's hair be to successfully dye it light brown?

If your hair is already blonde, dying it light brown should not be a problem. If it is dark however, one will need to bleach their hair to get rid of the darker colour before changing it to light brown.

How do you get rid of ants in hair?

There are a few ways to get rid of ants from the hair. Brush them out carefully from the hair or wash them from the hair with shampoo.