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You grad plyers and yank it out!

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Q: How do you get snake teeth out of healed bite wound?
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What do you do if a snake bite is not poisionous?

Treat the wound as any other puncture wound.

How do you treat a non poisonous snake bite on a dog?

If it was a non-poisonous snake bite, you would treat the puncture wounds as you would any other wound. Dab on antiseptic (liquid or cream) daily until the wounds are healed. The important thing, according to the question, was that it was non-poisonous.

Does snake bite with his teeth and or tongue?

While a snake's forked tongue looks dangerous, it really is not. Snakes actually smell with their tongues. If snakes bite, they use their teeth

What are the Side effects of snake bite on a rabbit?

it will surely die if a venomous snake bit it. if not then it will live if the wound dont get infected.

What are the positioning of snakes teeth?

the reason for the snake to have teeth in the front is for venemous purposes because if the snake had teeth on the sides it would be harder to bite but because they are in the front they just have to pretty much open they're mouth and bite so its easier

When a bite occurs does the snake leave its teeth on the prey?

No, though sometimes teeth may be left behind accidentally if the snake bites in self defense.

Will a nonvenimunous snake bite make you sick?

Naturally any wound can get infected and make you sick so yes, a non venomous snake bite could make you sick if they break your skin

Do you bleed the wound in case of snake bite?

you may or may not bleed if a snake bite you

Does immobilizing wound would cure snake bite?

No, it doesn't cure the snake bite. It does, however, reduce the amount of venom flowing through the victim's body. The only cure - is to get to a hospital for treatment with anti-venin.

What is something that is usually done directly following a snake bite?

incision of wound!!!^^WRONG ! If you suspect you have been bitten by a venomous snake - the initial treatment is to immobilize the bite area, and apply a pressure bandage ! (Snakester1962)

What part of speech is bite?

Bite can be a verb and a noun. Verb: To cut something off by clamping the teeth. Noun: Wound left behind after having been bitten.

Which is best snake for first owner?

I recommend the Corn Snake. Corn Snakes are good for first time snake owners because they are relatively small and rarely bite. They don't even have teeth!