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Listen and do as the parents request. Or, get a job and pay for your own phone. Avoid long conversations when you should be doing homework or sleeping--just difficult to do as you must when you are tired.

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Q: How do you get your iPhone back from parents?
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What is a app where parents can track the kids down so the parents now where thereat?

If they have an iPhone, they can just use the "Find my iPhone" app.

How do you get your iPhone back?

If lost or stolen only way to get our iPhone back is if you have/had mobileme. If not, get a new one.

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You can engrave your name on the back of the iPhone. Alternatively, you can simply put a sticker on the back with your name on it.

How do you convince your parents to let you have an iphone?

I have the same question!

How can you convince your parents to let you get the iphone?

make a deal with them and stick to it :)

What do i do if i tell my friend i have an iPhone but i don't?

Tell them it got stolen, or that your parents took it away...or get a discounted first generation iPhone...

How can I get my parents to give me data on my iPhone?

Use PC to iPhone data transfer, there are a few software that can help you getting this done.

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Well,if you look at the back of the clone iphone,it will have some ridiculous name on the back like 'TVphone or Hiphone' and at the front,the fake iphone has smaller screen,and they are extremly laggy!!

How do you get back at my parents?

I have no wish to get back at your parents.

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In his music video want u back says he has an iPhone.

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How can you get an iPhone?

First, Respect your parents, second, Do your Homework/ chores, Then, Have good grades, Finally, ask your parents! Good Luck