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i think because you have officially lost it (gone mad; crazy;loopy) or maybe with out numerous hours of sleep; little or no sleep. theres that and theres this thing called lsdspiral Google it and download it its so cool you just stare at it for like 20 seconds then look around the room and everythings all wavy and weird.

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Q: How do you hallucinate naturally without drugs or dehydration?
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What is the process of addiction?

Addiction can result from many factors. For one, some people have a genetic predisposition to addiction. Also, social factors are involved. For example, people who are raised around addiction are more likely to experience it later in life. The physical cause for addiction to drugs is induced Dopamine secretion, which rewards our bodies for taking drugs by making us feel good. However, when the Dopamine receptors are overloaded, our body produces less Dopamine naturally. Therefore, it is now less likely that the person will feel as good naturally. This encourages the addict to take more drugs in order to feel good again.

Is it possible that pleasant emotions be enhanced?

With or without drugs is the question. Hallucinogens and marijuana can enhance those feelings, but if you're looking for ways that exclude drugs then I suggest comedy movies, sex, and good friends.

What happens when you hallucinate?

Hallucinations are similar to waking dreams. You may see or hear things that are not actually there, or your mind may interpret actual situations in surreal or impossible ways. Hallucinations are normally caused by imbalances in the chemistry of the brain, notably in the locations responsible for interpreting information from your senses. The simplest hallucinations involve seeing lights or colors, hearing sounds, or imagining that you are moving while actually stationary. It may be difficult or impossible to determine what is real and what is not. The most serious hallucinations are similar to delusions, where you imagine a state completely different from reality. In this condition, it is possible to cause injuries to yourself by your actions, because your mind responds to what you perceive instead of what is there. Hallucinations may be caused by psychotropic or psychedelic drugs (or excessive alcohol); by injury; or by any condition that changes the body's metabolism, such as allergic reactions, fever, or dehydration (e.g. the "mirages" seen by persons marooned in a desert environment without water).

How is motivation affected by drug abuse?

It is not a completely simple answer. Drug abuse effects the chemical balances in the body. When we do drugs, the drug takes the place of a signal naturally created by the body. Our bodies produce the chemical dopamine naturally at a pretty small level. When we us drugs, the DRUG tells the body to pump up dopamine production. This is the "feel good" or "reward" chemical in the brain. So when "use" turns into "abuse" the body completely IGNORES the natural signals for production of dopamine and many other chemicals. Motivation is connected to dopamine, as the body rewards you getting off you butt and doing something with pride in a job well done. That "job well done" chemical reward is not being produced without drugs. AND the amount of the reward naturally is much SMALLER than the drug induced reward. Therefore your body CAN NOT "reward" motivation. Withdraw from drugs is the period while your body "RESETS" it's systems to start making the chemicals according to it's own signals. As mentioned, many more chemicals than dopamine are taken over by different drugs. Opiates retards the bodys ability to produce melatonin and induce sleep. This is why when there is no opiates, you cant sleep. You have to wait until the body starts making the proper levels of melatonin and serotonin on its own. This withdraw period is the body and brain producing the wrong levels, if any at all, of the chemicals that keep us human.

Drugs that break down a psychological barrier against doing other drugs are known as what?

Gateway drugs

Related questions

How can i hallucinate without drugs?

mediation or a head injuryPeople have used isolation tanks to hallucinate.

Can drugs be made from sunflower seeds?

If you take about 100 shells, crush them up, and smoke them, you will hallucinate.

Why are drugs bad for sport?

It depends if it is a legal or an illegal drug. Illegal drugs such as heroine, drugs that hallucinate you are bad for sports. Steroids counts as cheating, and could mean a disqualification.

Can a woman get pregnant with triplets without fertility drugs?

Yes. You most certainly can, :) I know many naturally conceived triplets and my husband and I have naturally conceived quadruplets.

What is the naturally occurring or synthetically produced drugs that can cause hallucinations?

Hallucinogens are naturally-occurring or synthetically-produced drugs that can cause hallucinations

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Can dehydration lead to hyperthermia?

Hyperthermia may be caused by dehydration. Other causes of hyperthermia include heat stroke, as well as certain types of prescription drugs.

What is the definition for halucinating?

Hallucinate means to experience a seemingly real perception of something not actually present, typically as a result of a mental disorder or of taking drugs.

What can happen mixing prescribed drugs. The drugs Prozac and lithium and clonanzapam?

This is seriously going to trip you out and could possibly be fatal. You may hallucinate, have seizures, blackout, vomit, it could also cause liver damage, etc. Do not do it!

How do you get rid of high eyes naturally?

By not doing drugs, obviously.

Why do hallucinogens have a low potential for physical dependence?

Because most addictive drugs are addictive by increasing the amount of dopamine in your brain but these just make you hallucinate and feel good.

Is marijuana the safest drug because it is naturally grown?

I think that it might be because it is naturally grown. other drugs such as cocaine have added drugs and chemicals in it. But all drugs are still bad for you, just because of the side effects. Hope this helped! :)