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Add a seed crystal (typically made of the same material as the target crystal) to the solution, and reduce the temperature of the solution.

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Q: How do you hasten the formation of crystals in crystallization?
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Where does crystals occur?

Crystallization occurs in the formation of snowflakes.

What happens too crystals formation if it is cooled quickly?

In rocks large crystals form from very SLOW cooling.

What does crystal size tell us about the formation of the minral?

Whether it was fast crystallization - smaller Crystals or slow crystallization - bigger and finer Crystal forms!

What are the principles involved in crystallization?

the basic principle of crystallization is the fact that the solute should be soluble in a suitable solvent at high temperature and the excess amount of the solute is thrown out as crystals when it is cooled

What is twinning?

Twinning is formation of twin crystals like Siamese twins during crystallization which follow defined twin laws e.g. Spinel and Albite.

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What is the process of crystallation?

According to WIKIPEDIA, "Crystallization is the (natural or artificial) process of formation of solid crystals precipitating from a solution, melt or more rarely deposited directly from a gas."

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Crystallization is when minerals form from magma. Crystallization takes time.

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A process in which a liquid changes to a solid forming crystals