

Best Answer

Go to the vet.

Prognosis depends on the severity of the damage. See here for further info:

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Q: How do you heal radial nerve damage in cats?
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Is heat or cold better for nerve damage?

Are you trying to heal or inflict nerve damage?

Why might an injury to a bone heal faster when compared to muscle or nerve cell?

Your bones are designed for getting fractured. They unite readily, specially in case of children. Muscles also heal fast when stitched well. You are unfortunate in that the nerve cells heal poorly or do not heal at all. But then the nerve damage is rather uncommon in clinical practice, except in few instances.

How long does it take for the peripheral nervous system to grow back?

As unfortunate as this may sound, nerves do not heal. Nor do they regenerate. If you've suffered an injury that's caused nerve damage, that damage will not heal or regenerate.

What about your nerve being cut during surgery Does it ever heal?

Yes, a nerve that is cut during surgery will eventually heal.

How long does take for sciatica nerve damage to heel?

Nerve cells are different from other cells. In other cells they have a cell wall cell membrane nucleus lisozomes etc. but nerve cells dont have the information nor the ability to heal as well as normal cells do. it all depends on the extent of the damage

What may happen if the nerves that control the muscle are injured?

Depends on what kind of nerve damage and how severe is it If it is partial motor nerve then you feel weakness Total loss of motor nerve then you cant move that muscle and it will have no muscle tone if it is sensory nerve then you will have altered sensations total loss of sensory nerve then you wont feel a thing ...

Can permanent nerve damage be cured?

Yes nerves can heal but only if you think positive thing about your self

Can damaged tooth heal?

it can't get better if it's cracked or decayed. If the nerve is insulted by either trauma or decay it may heal.

Why do scientists want to get mature nerve cells to divide?

Mature cells can't grow back, in other words divide or reproduce. This means that when a person gets severe burns, or brain damage, the cells won't come back and the person might be paralyzed or have no feeling in a certain area. So if it was possible for nerve cells to divide, they person wouldn't have any problems and could heal themselves.

What is the unknown condition in sonny 2?

It switches damage and heal

If you got an arrow stuck through your shoulder how long would it take to heal?

Healing from a wound would depend on the severity of the wound (and if there was permanent nerve or muscle damage), the medical care received immediately after the injury, the age and health of the injured person.

How is radial keratotomy performed?

make several spoke-like "radial" incisions in the non-viewing (peripheral) portion of the cornea. As the incisions heal, the slits alter the curve of the cornea, making it more flat, which may improve the focus of images onto the retina