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cover the umbrella with plastic

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Q: How do you keep bees off a picnic umbrella?
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Can you spray sage and salvia to keep bees off?

If you don't want the bees, then cut off the blossoms.

What problems did the umbrella solve?

the umbrella helped us in many ways including us to not get wet and to keep the sun off of us

Should you choose a dark or light colored patio umbrella?

Im going off of color of clothing lighter colors keep you cooler and darker colers bring more heat! so go off of that to choose your color umbrella :)

How do you keep a white umbrella clean?

You can wash it with a mild soap or dish detergent and warm water and rinse it off. You should leave it out to dry for a while, so I would recommend unfolding it if it is a foldable umbrella.

Why isn't an umbrella made from wool?

the purpose of an umbrella is to keep the water off of you...if it were made from a material that wasnt water proof (ie. wool) than that water would soak right through it and get you all wet

How can you get rid of bees for a picnic without killing them?

Some things you can do to rid bees from a picnic without killing them are:Cut a banana peel into thin strips and insert them into an empty two liter bottle. Combine 1 cup sugar with 1 cup vinegar and stir. Pour the mixture into the bottle and fill it with water to two inches below the neck. Tie a string around the neck and hang it from a nearby tree branch.The odor from moth balls will discourage bees and other insects. Fill a couple feet of old pantyhose with mothballs, tie it off, and hang them from tree branches.Set out bowls of flat soda, fruit juice, maple syrup, or sugar water a few feet away from your picnic area. Bees will be attracted to the sugary scent. Set it out 20 minutes or so before your picnic.Use a netted tent canopy to seal the bees outside.Use pots of marigolds as centerpieces for your tables. Bees find the scent unpleasant.

Which scenario is modeled by the equation (x)(0.6) 86.46 A picnic table is on sale for 60 percent off. The sale price of the picnic table is x 144.10. A picnic table is on sale for 40 percent of?

It is on sale for 40% off.

How do I care for my patio umbrella table?

You can put a finishing product to keep the rain off. I would generally keep it clean regularly and . The table can have a special lacquer finish on it that will make more durable.

What is the best umbrella on the market?

An umbrella is an umbrella. They all work the same way. You may want to get an umbrella that has a design that you like. Even a basic plain umbrella would work great for keeping the rain off of your head.

What insecticides affect honey bees?

Neonicotinoid Insecticides is used to kill and keep bugs off of crops, but has been affecting the honey bees for the worse. It affects their ability to fly and navigate to do their job and help plants multiply.

What movie or film deals with disappearing bees?

The happening started off with bees disappearing

Which is produced by shaking the crumbs off a picnic blanket?

A transverse wave